Top 7 AI Detection Tools for Human vs AI Content

With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in various fields, including content creation, it has become increasingly important to distinguish between content created by humans and that generated by AI. There are many reasons why one would want to differentiate between the two, including authenticity, credibility, and legal implications. Fortunately, there are several tools available that can help identify whether a given text is written by humans or AI.

In this blog, we will explore some of the popular AI detectors for content scanning and share tips on how to use them effectively.

List of 7 Best AI Content Detectors in 2023

1. is a powerful tool for detecting both AI and plagiarism in content. It uses advanced algorithms to analyze text and identify patterns that are commonly found in AI-generated content. The tool also provides a plagiarism score for the content, making it easy to determine the originality of the text.

2. Content at Scale

Content at Scale is a software that uses AI to create articles on a large scale. The tool is trained to mimic human writing styles, making it difficult to detect whether the content is human-generated or AI-generated. However, the tool leaves a distinct signature that can be detected using other AI detectors.

3.'s tool analyzes text and URLs to detect AI content. The tool uses a combination of natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to identify patterns that are commonly found in AI-generated content.'s is an effective tool for detecting AI-generated content in blogs, news articles, and other online content.

4. GPT zero

GPT zero is an advanced tool for detecting AI in text, PDFs, docx files, and txts. It uses a deep learning model to analyze the content and detect patterns that are commonly found in AI-generated content. The tool is particularly useful for identifying AI-generated content in academic papers and research articles.

5. OpenAI's AI text classifier

OpenAI's AI text classifier is a new tool that struggles to detect AI content. However, the tool is constantly being updated and improved, making it a promising option for identifying AI-generated content in the future.

6. GP2 Output

GP2 Output is a tool developed by Hugging Face that is simple and easy to use. The tool analyzes text and identifies patterns that are commonly found in AI-generated content. GP2 Output is an effective tool for detecting AI-generated content in social media posts and other short-form content.

7. is a tool that detects AI content with a 79.5% probability. The tool uses a combination of natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to analyze text and identify patterns that are commonly found in AI-generated content.

Tips for Using AI Detectors Effectively

Use Multiple Detectors:

Using multiple detectors can help to get a more accurate result. Each detector has its strengths and weaknesses, and using multiple detectors can help to overcome these limitations.

Check both Text and URLs:

It is important to check both text and URLs to identify AI content. AI-generated content is often found on websites that use AI for content creation. Checking the URLs can help to identify these websites and determine whether the content is human-generated or AI-generated.

Be Aware of Limitations:

It is important to be aware of the limitations of AI detectors. AI is constantly evolving, and new techniques are being developed to create more convincing AI-generated content. Therefore, it is important to use AI detectors as a guide and not rely solely on their results.

Create High-Quality Content:

Create high-quality content that is more likely to be identified as human-generated. If you're concerned about your content being mistaken for AI-generated, focus on creating high-quality content that demonstrates your unique voice and perspective.

In conclusion, As the use of AI-generated content continues to increase, the ability to differentiate it from human-generated content becomes more important. Fortunately, there are several AI detectors available that can help identify AI-generated content. However, it's important to use these tools effectively and to focus on creating high-quality content that is more likely to be identified as human-generated. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your content stands out from the crowd and is recognized for its unique voice and perspective.