Snapchat’s My AI: A ChatGPT powered chatbot that acts like a friend

Snapchat introduces My AI, a customizable and conversational chatbot based on ChatGPT.png

Snapchat, the popular social media app with over 750 million users, has launched a new feature that lets you chat with an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot named My AI. The chatbot is powered by OpenAI’s ChatGPT technology, which is a state-of-the-art natural language processing system that can generate realistic and engaging conversations.

My AI is currently available only to Snapchat+ subscribers, who pay $3.99 per month to access exclusive and experimental features on the app. However, Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel said that he plans to roll out the chatbot to all users very soon. He also said that this is just the beginning of the company’s generative AI plans, hinting at more exciting features to come.

Say Hello to My AI Snapchat-s Advanced Chatbot that Understands Your Tone and Personality.png

According to Snapchat, My AI can help you with various tasks and queries, such as recommending gift ideas, weekend plans, or recipes. You can also chat with My AI about anything you want, such as your hobbies, interests, or opinions. The chatbot will try to match your tone and personality and keep the conversation flowing.

However, Snapchat also warned that My AI is not a human and should not be trusted for advice or secrets. The company said that My AI is still learning and may make mistakes or say inappropriate things sometimes. Users are advised to report any issues or feedback they encounter while chatting with My AI.

My AI is one of the first applications of OpenAI’s ChatGPT technology on a mainstream social media platform. ChatGPT is based on a large-scale neural network that can generate coherent and diverse texts from a given input. The technology has been used for various purposes, such as writing stories, poems, code snippets etc.

Snapchat’s move to introduce an AI chatbot shows its ambition to leverage generative AI for enhancing its user experience and engagement. It also reflects the growing trend of using conversational agents for various domains and scenarios. We can expect more social media apps to follow Snapchat’s footsteps and adopt similar features in the near future.

What do you think of Snapchat’s new feature? Have you tried chatting with My AI?